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Mary Kroll

"Yin is the Discovery that there is more to Life than Fight & Flight."


Mary began studying Yoga in the early 70’s, part of an ongoing exploration of the meaning of things. She continued for several years, long enough for it to blossom and create a seed that then lay dormant. She explored the different branches of Yoga, physical and mental practices, Self Realization Fellowship and meditation.  Her physical practice declined due to family obligations, but the mental and spiritual quest and exploration continued.  

After losing her partner of 25 years, Mary reached a place of beginning yoga again.  Coincidentally, her son referred her to JBYS, having taken a couple of classes.  Mary began to take classes and immediately realized how much she had missed Yoga. It was like coming home after a long absence. 

Mary took classes with every teacher in every style that was offered at the studio, sometimes as many as 3 classes a day. She began to refit a considerably older body, holding images of the older practice as guideposts. Mary experienced culture shock! The Yoga she had practiced no longer existed. It had evolved. She didn’t speak the same language. What the hell was ‘down dog’? Yin what? Her body had unspeakable things to say and she lost 30 lbs. Then Mary hurt her knee and Yin became a best friend. Mary added private lessons and asked a thousand questions. She couldn’t get enough. Mary began to study as well as go to class. 

When COVID struck and she was furloughed from work. Virtual class on her phone and intensive study kept her sanity and eventually enabled her to change her perspective in a life changing way. Mary could see her past experiences not as loss and trauma, but as steps bringing her to where she was. Yoga begins in the body and works its way inward. She was mistaken! Mary wasn’t on the outside looking into life from a position of lack and want. Mary was on the inside opening up, loved , cared for, nurtured and protected. The Universe is a friendly place and had been all along or she wouldn’t have made it this far. Seed Sprouting. Late Blooming.

From this point, Mary could follow her desire and went deeper. She could commit to placing her foot on the path and taking a step. Mary found herself able to commit to a life practice of yoga. In doing so she realized that she wanted to share and asked to train as a teacher, which is when she decided to enroll in the JBRYS 200 hour training program and graduate. She is currently enrolled in the Just Breathe 300 training program.  Mary is so grateful for all that she has been given and to everyone who has helped along the way. She is particularly grateful to Nicole, who has been with Her all the way, teaching,  mentoring, and guiding.

When Mary steps onto the mat, she enters a sacred space. She doesn’t know where this journey is taking her, but it is a grand, a life giving, healing adventure. Mary invites you to share her practice and thanks you for letting her share yours.


My Schedule
6 Thursday
Nothing yet
7 Friday
Nothing yet
8 Saturday
Nothing yet
9 Sunday
Nothing yet
10 Monday
Nothing yet
11 Tuesday
Nothing yet
12 Wednesday
11:30 AM
More than Chair Yoga (in-studio)
More than Chair Yoga (in-studio)
with Mary Kroll
1 hour and 15 minutes
Students will utilize the chair and other props, to assist and discover variations allowing participants to experience yoga poses at their personal levels. Students will experience poses seated in the chair and using it as a prop for standing poses and more. They will also experience poses on the yoga mat with blocks, straps, and bolsters. This class incorporates active and passive Yin style poses tailored to students needs. Come experience a fun yoga practice, using the chair and props to assist into deeper, safer variations of yoga poses
11:30 AM
More than Chair Yoga (online)
More than Chair Yoga (online) Online
with Mary Kroll
1 hour and 15 minutes
Students will utilize the chair and other props, to assist and discover variations allowing participants to experience yoga poses at their personal levels. Students will experience poses seated in the chair and using it as a prop for standing poses and more. They will also experience poses on the yoga mat with blocks, straps, and bolsters. This class incorporates active and passive Yin style poses tailored to students needs. Come experience a fun yoga practice, using the chair and props to assist into deeper, safer variations of yoga poses